Acephate has contact and systemic action. Acephate acts by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase which is necessary for control of nerve transmission. Method of application: backpack, vehicular and aerial sprays; direct tree trunk injection. Use at 0.094 to 0.75 pounds of active ingredient per acre.
Acephate is used for beans, Brussels sprouts, cotton, cranberries, head lettuce, peanuts and tobacco.
Effective against alfalfa looper, aphids, armyworm, bagworm, bean leaf beetle, bean leafroller, blackgrass bugs, bollworm, budworm, cabbage looper, cankerworm, corn earworm, cranberry blossomworm, cutworms, diamondback moth, European corn borer, fireworm, fleahopper, grasshoppers, green cloverworm, gypsy moth, hornworm, imported cabbageworm, imported fire ants, lace bugs, leafhoppers, leafminers, leafrollers, lygus bugs, Mexican bean beetle, Mormon crickets, oak moth, saltmarsh caterpillar, soybean looper, spanworm, Sparganothis, stink bugs, tent caterpillars, threecornered alfalfa hopper, thrips, velvetbean caterpillar, webworm, and whiteflies and Insect control in forests, tobacco, and ornamentals. |